Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fever Gone, Ready for Some Tramping!

Thank goodness my feverish condition has finally passed after about 48 hours of inactivity! I am relieved that I did not contract malaria in Thailand, and with this new-found appreciation for health, I've been able to help my friends search for a car. We are, at this very moment, waiting in an internet cafe while our prospective buy, a 1995 Volvo station wagon, is being checked out by a mechanic. If everything runs smoothely, we will purchase the car for a cool $2700 NZD (~$1800 USD) and be on our way! If we are lucky we will be tramping (exploring on foot) in the backcountry by the weekend. There is also discussion about covering the back of the car with cheesy bumper stickers...I'll let you know how that one pans out.

Again, keep your fingers crossed for us (It worked last time, remember!).



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